The puppies on this page now live
with their owners---owners who have sent us
pictures of how well their new puppies are
emailed 8/14/2018
Just wanted to let you
know little Minerva
is doing great! We
named her Brooklyn
and she is
adjusting well. Thank you for
another wonderful
ball of fur blessing we
love her and Zooey
loves her too! She
loves her big sissy
too! They are
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your
emailed 8/14/2018
We adopted Gilles last week and
absolutely adore him, although
his official
name is now "Bear". He has made a
wonderful transition to our home
and he
is very happy being a part of our
-Joe and family
emailed 12/01/2014
Good afternoon ,
I felt it appropriate
to email you today since it is Douglas's (
new name is Scout) birthday today to thank
We just love him!
He is the sweetest dog who just loves to be with
you and is so happy to give you love in
We had 3 of our daughters with us over the
thanksgiving holiday and he took to
everyone. My father who is 91 and has
dementia just loved him. They became best
Thought your might enjoy seeing some of his
moments in his new home.

Happy Thanksgiving from
Disney and Dixon...and Angie.
Shelly |
emailed 5/30/2014
Chloe is a very sweet
and loving puppy. She will be 2 in September,
and lives with 3 girls that love her to death.
Ali, Cailin, and Megan |
Baxter was FKA
"Edgar" born to Dotty & Charlie on
12/26/2006. We love him more than
Donna |
Happy Thanksgiving from
Meggie and Annie, our two lovely babies.
John |
emailed 5/09/2012
My husband and I wanted
to share some photos of our precious little boy
Lucca (formally Dodge). Since we brought him
home in Nov 2011, he really has been such a
great addition to our family and we can't
imagine our lives without him now. He is now 9
months old and has become well adjusted to his
home. We have developed such a connection with
him and just love him to pieces. He is so smart
and has such a great personality, he truly
completes are lives.
Tina & Jason
emailed 5/06/2012
Hi Jonathan.
I hope you're well. My
family and I purchased Mabel (aka Season) about
a year ago and we absolutely love her! I've
attached a picture.
emailed 6/26/2011
Hi Jonathan.
These pictures of Kady were taken on
her 1st Birthday in April. Thanks again.
emailed 3/15/2011
Hi. Reilly is doing
very well. We love her. She is smart, as she
has taken and continues to take to training very
quickly. Again, thank you for your great help
with us.
emailed 3/13/2011
I've attached 3
pictures of Daisy. She is bonding so well with
us, we love her. It's so much fun to watch her
become more curious, lovable and silly each day.
She loves to chew on bones! And she's started to
play with balls and other toys. I'm so proud of
her! She also likes to play "cat and mouse" with
us and tease us and then run away.
emailed 3/07/2011
Hi, just a pic
of your Audlin (our “Belle”) after she was
spayed. She is healthy and loved.

emailed 3/03/2011
Just wanted to drop a line
to update you on my baby girl, Bella. At 20
months old now she is the absolute apple of my
eye. She is a truly amazing dog and I can't
remember a time when she wasn't in my life. As
you can probably tell from the pictures, she is
absolutely beautiful !! My little "runt" has
officially tipped the scale at 19.5 pounds !!
The vet says she's amazing and as healthy as a
horse. She is so active that most of her weight
comes from pure muscle. As she is beginning to
mature, her absolute sweetness is really coming
out. My favorite part of the day is when she
climbs up on my chest, tucks her head under my
chin and settles in for Mommy/Bella snuggles.
She loves to give hugs by putting her paws on
your shoulders as well. Her face definitely
looks like her dad, Mikey and I think her
non-stop energy must come from Sandy, her mom (I
remember the two of them playing nonstop
together in the showroom). Everyone just loves
her !!
Last fall Bella began
training in agility. She took to it like a duck
to water. She takes on the equipment like a pro
and when the trainer started her out doing jumps
at 2 inches high, I just laughed and raised the
bar up to 14 inches and she soars over them like
a gazelle. (I often laugh and say her Indian
name would be "Springs for butt"). I can't wait
for Spring and when the snow melts so we can
resume training.
Hoping all is well at
Willow Springs !! and we'll keep in touch !!
Hopefully we'll be able to come down this summer
for a visit.
Rose, Bella and Tootsie :)
emailed 1/24/2011
Abby (Selma) is doing
fantastic. I just wanted you to know how much
joy and love she has brought to our home. She
truly is Queen of this Castle! Here is a
picture of her on her 1st birthday.
Best to you,
The Melando's
emailed 1/19/2011
Hi.......I bought Reggie
from you, remember me?? He is such a good boy
and so lovable!!!!!!! We love
him so so much.
Cathy & Bobby |
emailed 1/19/2011
Here is a recent photo of
Tyler (Tyronne) for your bulletin board. He's
doing wonferful.
Stuart |
emailed 5/07/2009
We chose a tri-color puppy named Aida from you
all in October 2008. We would like to say that
we are absolutely in love with her. She is the
most loving animal we have ever owned. She is
also very precocious...she loves to eat
We just wanted to send you a few photos of our
time with her. We renamed her GRACIE, which
suits her very well. The second cavie in the
one photo is also one of your pups.......he is
my parents dog, Finnegan and Gracie absolutely
loves to play with him any time she gets the
Colleen Bob, Megan and Caroline D.
emailed 5/08/2009
We have renamed
Irene Shuli. Shuli is Hebrew for tranquil
or peaceful (comes from the word Shalom) and
that is actually the root meaning of Irene!
We have had her
for a month and a half and she is everything
we have expected and even a bit more. She
is sweet and loveable to both of us, very
friendly with others, does extremely well
with my 91-year old mom (who has dementia)
at her nursing home and makes the others
smile there too.
Dina and Howard |

emailed 12/07/08
Hi Candy and Terry
Here is a picture of our Bella and Bailey, aka,
Shawna and Archie. We just love them so much,
they bring so much joy and laughter to us.
Bailey is a bit reserved but so loveable and
Bella is our mischievious girl who loves to
explore, and get into a bit of trouble at times.
Sherry and Rich C.
emailed 12/14/08
Hello and
Merry Christmas from Bowie MD!
I am all settled
in and showing my personality more and more
as the weeks go by. I have my favorite
places to sleep all over the house. I have
the most fun watching out the sliding door
to the back yard. This is where I see
squirels and birds and they can't see me.
Then I race out the little door made
especially for me and try to catch them!! I
am queen of the dog door now and can go out
and come back in as I like.
My other
favorite thing, besides sleeping, is hunting
in the neighborhood park. My people call it
a walk, but I know it is a hunt! I hunt for
squirels, rabbits, and I especially like to
scare the geese. Just a few barks and they
all jump in to the pond and make a lot of
noise. It's a blast!!
I miss my old
home and all of my fellow Caviler's. But I
do get visitors from time to time from my
new people's friends. This week we have
been keeping a Cocker Spaniel named Bailey.
He is not a smart as I am. He won't go out
the doggie door. I am trying to teach him.
I just wanted
you to know that I am very happy, and my
people are very happy with me. We are a
perfect fit! Thank you so much for taking
such good care of me up til now. And thank
you for bringing me together with my new
family who love me very much also.
Merry Christmas!
Rosie. (written by Rosie's new owner Leisa

One of our most
beloved breeders who was at our kennel
from the
beginning in 2004 until 2008 and brought forth
primary line of
Ruby Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. She
known as the
life of our kennel, full of energy and love.
mother of 4
daughters that have continued her line, and
now retired and living the good life at a loving
home. We
do miss you, but are grateful that you, like
several of
our other
former breeders, have a good and loving home.
-The Smith
emailed 12/16/08
Dear Smith Family,
My name is Matt E., and my
wife and I bought Chaz (formerly Clarence)
and Lilly (formerly Bertha) a little while
ago. We wanted to wish you a happy holiday
and 2009. Our dogs have been a ton of fun
and we live in a community full of dog
owners and so they play with a lot of the
neighbors' dogs.
Happy and healthy holidays,
Matt and Natasha
emailed 12/17/08
Hi Ms Smith,
My Sister in law
Linda, purchased Tucker for me in April of
2006. I thought you might want an update as
to how he is doing.
He is such a
wonderful additon to our family. He is so
charming and loves us all. He is " the best
dog ever" so my husband says. This is our
first dog, and we love the breed. He is
still on the timid side, but protects us and
his home well. He was the perfect dog for
us. We will eventually add another
cavalier or two to our family. I will
definately give you a call when we are
Thank you for
raising such wonderful dogs.
( Linda's dogs,
Reggie, Sally and Nester are Beautiful also)
Spring City, PA
emailed 12/17/08
She's inquisitive, playful, affectionate and so,
so sweet. She's also been a blessing. Last
month we lost our Brittany to Cushings disease.
Duffy has been a great transition for our other
small dog, Piper (a Cavatese). They are
inseparable and fun to watch. We can't imagine
our life without her now. Thank you, again.
Amy, Jeff, Jake and Luke
Hudson, OH
The first 2 pictures are from her 1st week with
us at our lake cottage. The last picture was
taken last week. |

emailed 9/25/08
Sam (cavalier/shitzu mix, formerly "Merlin") is almost 4 months old now and he is doing just great. He seems to learn something new everyday. He does well in his crate when we are at work and he sleeps through the night. He loves to play with other dogs we meet at the park. And he is very loving with lots of snuggles.
Hope all is well on the farm.
Take care,

emailed 9/24/08
We received Brandy and Godiva a few weeks ago and wanted to let you
know how thrilled we are. They are the BEST dogs I have ever owned.
They are cute, cuddly and sooooo smart. We renamed Ava, Godiva. They
both already know there names and come when called. They follow me
everywhere, and if I sit, Brandy is in my lap and Godiva is on top of
Brandy got a little pneumonia last week, but is doing great now. They
are just so sweet and lovable I can't even tell you how happy we are
they are in our home. My kids have their own dogs, but are moving out
soon, so we were excited to get our own. Molly and Fergie (our current
dogs) have loved having the babies around and watch after them and
play with them. My "kids" (all young adults) are going crazy with
them, as are their friends, so they get lots and lots of attention.
Also, the courier was wonderful. We would not have purchased any pup
that would have been crate shipped. I think she fell in love with the
dogs on the way!
Thanks so much.
Bruce and Danette
emailed 9/14/08
Dear Terry, Jon, Erin
and family.\,
We wanted to send you some pics of Kayle so you
could see how she is. We are enjoying her
She is growing well and
adapting to her new home. We took her to our
Vet on Monday she had gained a pound. She looks
as though she gained another to date.
She had a great report
from the Vet. We will keep in touch regarding
her spaying. And will send more pics along the
Gary & Eileen.
I hope all is well at Willow Springs Kennel.
I keep meaning to email. My parents and my husband and I came in and adopted two blenheim cavaliers from you in July of '06. Their names were Marty and Howy (now Charlie and Shakespeare, respectively). They've been an awesome addition to both of our families and get tons of love. Although they live in separate homes, they get to have lots of visits (or "play dates") since we're only a stone's throw apart.
Anyway, I just wanted to send you two pictures of "our boys" together and thank you for such wonderful pets. One picture was taken just after bath time, the other in last year's Christmas sweaters. My husband and I intend to return to you soon in order to adopt a little sister or brother for Shakespeare.
Wishing you, your family, all your dogs, and the puppies all the best,

emailed 9/08/08
Hello Smith family. We've had Merlin (Cavalier / Shitz mix) for over a week now and we are completely in love with him. (we named him Sam) He is a very loving and very smart dog. Within being at his new home for just a few days he was sleeping, eating really well. We live in an apartment community and lots of people here have dogs. Big or small, Sam gets along with them all. We took him to our vet and he is healthy. I've attached some pictures for you to see how happy he is with his new Mom and Dad.
Take care,
emailed 6/15/08
I can’t tell you how much we enjoyed the brief
time that we spent with you and your lovely
family yesterday. I certainly felt a deep
connection …..
Franklin made the trip just fine yesterday. He
was calm and quiet the entire trip. His
appetite is good, he is drinking water, and his
stools are formed and regular (one on the way
home and one this morning).
He has taken very well to the leash. He doesn’t
run around the house – is extremely calm. There
is no sign of any depression or lethargy – just
walks around wagging his tail. He spent the
night in his crate beside our bed and was awake
and staring at me at 6:45 this morning even
though we didn’t get settled into bed until
about 3:30 this morning!
He has fought sleep like crazy! He is being
true to his breed – following us around the
cabin (it is one big room with a sunroom,
kitchen and bath. Upstairs is a bedroom loft –
very very simple and only about 1300 sq. ft.
total – so not much to confuse him.) He hasn’t
discovered all the wildlife available for his
viewing outside yet …. He is content to sleep on
John’s belly while he watches the Sunday morning
pundits. Of course John just announced “he
can’t move because Franklin is getting some much
needed sleep” – oh brother! I had better get
used to THAT one!
Suzanne |
emailed 6/14/08
Hi Candy!
First I must tell you how absolutely adored our
Roxy is (fka Bianca dob 11/13/07). She is the
light of our lives, kids are so happy and we are
too! They are asking for a ruby now so there
may be one in our future, lol. We are hooked!
Roxy was spayed/microchipped yesterday and is
doing well. The techs at the vet fight over her
when we go in! They all want her.
Thank you so much for breeding such amazing
pups. We are so lucky to have found you!
Nancy G. |
Our new puppy
Trayton (we renamed him Utley after Chase Utley
on the Phillies) is doing great. Here are some
pictures for you. The kids just love to hug him.
He is very snuggeable and smart. He is really
taking to his potty training. Thanks again.


Hi Candy
How are you? It's Kathy C. I've emailed with you
before and my husband came to your place a while
back. We have the 3 girls, ages 4,7,9 and we're
hoping to come visit you soon to pick a puppy!
Would you by chance be available Memorial Day
weekend, that Sunday? If not, I totally
understand. It is a holiday weekend and a
Sunday.....I'm not sure what kind of hours you
keep for appts. We are going to Scranton the
Sat. of Memorial Day weekend and heading back
Sunday so thought we could stop there. But we
don't live far, we're in Lansdale, so if not
that day, we'll pick another day soon.
Hi everyone!
Wanted to let you know the first day and night
with our puppy were a dream. She was great on
the ride home, hasn't had an accident and went
right in her crate last night without a peep and
slept 10pm-6:30am. Our daughters are in love
and all is well.
We came home with papers in our folder and we
have the Health Certification for Alvina, now
Sadie, as well as Adrian. Adrian's came home in
the folder inadvertently I guess, the blue
paper. If you need it back, I can put it in the
mail tomorrow. Let me know.
It was nice to meet you all and thank you.
We'll be in touch I'm sure.
The C. Family
Wed, 14 May
Hi Candy,
I just wanted
to touch base with you and give you an update on
Zoey (Sally). Jeff had called you in a panic in
February because of Zoey's knee. She was hopping
around and it was so hard for us to watch
feeling there was nothing we could do. We took
her to the vet and they said she had that "luxating
patella" thing. So of course we wanted to do
anything and everything for her. We were so
afraid she was in pain and would need surgery. I
am so happy to tell you that she is 100% perfect
now - she has not had a problem for 2 months!
(My thoughts are that she twisted her leg when
she was running around the house and it just
took some time to heal.) But either way, we are
overjoyed that she is ok.
Thank you so
much for talking to us and helping us deal with
I will send some new pictures with
all the cavaliers on your website - Zoey loves
to sleep in our bed, watch tv on the couch and
go everywhere with us. She is such a love! Haley
and I would love another one - Jeff thinks Zoey
would be jealous!!!
Hope all is
well with you and your family.
I look at your website all the time - love the
puppies!! |
Received by email,
We just found your website and have been
monitoring it and love it. So enjoy looking at
the new puppies, facts and basically everything
on the site. Bella and Bailey are doing
fantastic! Bella just got fixed 2 weeks ago
and is doing great. These dogs are the best, so
funny and lovable, they snuggle with us and and
just love to be loved. Baily is shy at times,
and Bella is just so outgoing at all times. I
was so unsure of getting new puppies after
having 2 cockers for 15 years and losing them.
The best thing that could have happened was my
daughter had been researching the Cavaliers and
led us to you. The best thing we ever did. She
will be getting one in the near future. Thanks
again for our Bailey and Bella.
Sherry and Rich |
We will be sending you a picture of them
shortly. |
Received by email,
We have had a
super weekend with Addy and Chelsy. I ordered
her name collar!!! I have a vet appointment for
a check out on Tuesday afternoon with my vet at
They have been the best television show for
years. We were thinking 3 days to acquaint but
it was more like 3 minutes. It was amazing. I
have taken care of all the meds as per your
schedule so far. They sleep with us in the water
bed and very little crying. The pup is
definitely in control. She drinks and eats with
Addy and Addy gives in to her. Addy has been a
good teacher and has the patience to follow.
Addy is now eating, which is nice.
Attached are a few pictures. See you soon.
Best Audrey

Subject: Thank you for Bianca
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 02:43:01 +0000
Well we are all settled in here with our new
puppy and all is well!
I wanted to thank you all very much for such a
pleasant day out at your farm. My aunt and I
were remarking on the way home that there is so
much love for your animals; it is such a happy
place to visit.
Roxy is a dream come true for me. The children
are beyond excited that their dog can already
play fetch with them. Bonnie, our senior mixed
breed is like a new dog, so happy and loving all
over her Roxy.
After a busy day, Roxy had a quick bath (Bonnie
licked her like crazy!) and is now tucked away
in her crate, sleeping so soundly.
Thank you again, we hope to be able to refer
folks out to you as I am sure our Roxy will get
noticed around here!
Take care, Candy, we hope you are feeling
better. Your men certainly held down the fort
for you!
Bruno and Reba are doing great together. Bruno who we call
Buddy is now 24 pounds and still growing. He is
a great pup and really fits well into the
family. Although he is rather large he is very
gentle with Reba who is only 8 pounds. We named
Reba Isadora and we call her Izzy. She really
is a calm girl. Her and Buddy get along great.
They play in the yard together for hours and
when they are in the crate the cuddle together.
I can't tell you how happy I am with both of
them. Thank you for the 2 great pets. Please
feel free to use me as a reference for any of
your future customers. I will be more that
happy to give you a glowing recommendation. I
hope our paths will cross again. I enjoyed my
experience with the both of you.
Frank |
By email 4/14/08 All my boys !
He sleeps in our bed. Lately he's been sleeping
with his head on the pillow like in the picture.
It's the cutest thing ever! We don't mind, we
keep him nice and clean all the time, so why
not? (In the Winter, let me tell you how nice it
was to have my own fuzzy warm personal heater
next to me) He's just the sweetest little boy.
DonnaThis picture says everything
there is to say about cavaliers and their
owners. |
By email 4/3/08 Hello Candy,
Terry & Family,
Wanted to send a quick
hello, and to show you how much Baxter (f.k.a.
Edgar) has grown in 1 year. As you can see by
the attached photo, we are all more than happy
to snuggle with him, and have him near. He has
brought us so much joy and happiness. We love
him very much and he loves us right back! He is
the sweetest little dog anyone could hope for.
Thanks so much.
Donna, Sal, & James |
By email 4/3/08
I'm sending photos of Winston (a.k.a. Luther)
born to Lexi and Duke on September 29, 2007. He
is a delightful puppy! My husband is so
attached to him as well as Winston to my
husband. I believe he thinks my husband is one
of his litter mates. They love to play together
and Winston goes everywhere in the car with
him!! Winston graduated from puppy class once
he realized that we were there to learn and not
to go bonkers playing with all the other dogs.
He is such a social butterfly! He is smart,
inquisitive and becoming very attached to us.
Many individuals ask what kind of breed and
comment on how handsome he is.
BTW, the veterinarian calls him Mr. Handsome.
I'm also sending some photos taken by the
picture people that you might enjoy. These
photos have a watermark on them that can't be
removed, so I try scanning my originals and
forward them to you. |

more Winston pictures
here. |
I am so sorry for the delay in getting pictures
of Bella (fna Bethany) to you. I think about it
often when I am at work, but by the time I get
home in the evening, things are busy. I just
down loaded these pictures at work. I have many
others at home, but thought I would get these
over to you. We are still enjoying Bella
very very much. As it turns out she has taken
quite a liking to me and lays with me on the
couch every single night. She is here with me
at work today. She us just a lovely dog!!!!!!
We are so thankful that we finally chose to
adopt and care for a dog.
The latest pictures of Millie and Murph....
By email 4/3/08
Hi All
Bruno is doing fine. It took him a few days to
get use to his new home but he has fit in. He
is nearly housebroken - he lets me know when he
wants to go outside and has had no accidents.
He loves to run in the back yard and he eats
like a horse. He also is very affectionate. He
had a little gag or cough for the first few days
but that seemed to have gone away. He had a
good check up with the vet last Thursday. In
short, he is a great pup who is very loving and
affectionate. Thanks for a great pup. I
enjoyed meeting the both of you.
By email 3/11/08
The pups are doing great! They are adjusting
well and having lot's fun of together. They are
getting big so quickly. We go into tomorrow to
get them both fixed! They are both an absolute
joy and have quickly become part of my family.
I've named them Millie and Murph (a.k.a
Murphy). Mille is definitely the boss!
I've attached some pictures for you.
Please keep in touch. We'll come out for a
visit when it gets warmer.
Jo Anne |

By email 3/10/08
Here are some pictures of Riley for your
website. He is such a joy and fun to watch! He
loves to play in the yard and carry around
sticks. He can also sleep in the strangest
positions. He's the best puppy!Thanks again,

Hi Candy,
We just wanted to drop you a quick note
about our wonderful Zoey (your Sally).
She turned 1 yesterday (3/5/08) and
Haley wanted you to have a picture of
Zoey in her birthday hat! Zoey is such a
love - the sweetest dog ever! Thank you
so much - hope all is well with you. I
have also attached a few other cute
pictures for you. Hope you enjoy looking
at them.
Laura, Jeff, Zach, Haley and Zoey
Hi! Just wanted to give you an update on
'Ralph' (now called Mylo). We are so happy with
the way he has adjusted to his new home. He is
a wonderful puppy and training him has been
pretty easy. He loves his new sister and
basically follows everything she does!
Thank you so much! I attached some picture of
him for you see.
Erin and Jim
2/5/08 From an email:
Hi Mrs. Candy,
I don't know if you remember me but my name is
Naomi my early Christmas present was Iloan one
of your puppies we renamed her Izzy and she is
very happy here she now loves to look out our
window and likes to nape there every once and a
while she also loves car rides... She has gotten
much bigger from when we bought her and she is
turning 6 months next week.She is doing very
well and she fits right in with the whole
We all love her and even my Dad now wants a
another dog ha ha so you can say she left a good
impression she was just recently spade
and is recovering fast,Izzy is just so funny,
most every thing she dose is to make us laugh,
it is like she is trying she knows how we are
feeling and always try's to make us feel good
when we are sad it is like she was born just for
us! She brings the whole family so much joy!

2/3/08 From an email: Hi Candy,
Jack celebrated his first birthday on
Tuesday. We never could have imagined what a
treasure he is. He is so full of love that even
Wingnut the cat lets him nap on his favorite
afternoon spot. Thanks again, he's the best!

Jack and (friend?) Wingnut
1/31/08 From an email:
Hi Candy,
Happy New Year. I've attached 2 pics of Winston
(Sherman). One from his Birthday celebration
yesterday and one with me and him in Penn State
gear. We got him a Penn State Jersey for his
birthday. Its great. Enjoy the pics.
Take care.
Brendt |

This is Charlie. His owner says, "He is such a
sweet dog. Everyone loves him. Thank you!
Michele |

Take your puppy to work day...
Here's Charlie again. |

Tough day at the office with
When we last spoke you asked us to share a few
photos of Buddy. Attached are a few of Buddy
with our daughters Claire and Grace. He's a
wonderful dog and has made a great addition to
our family. Thanks for the tip about the
Homestyle Select dog food...he loves it.
Fran & Jill Finnegan
I am letting you know that my mother has totally
fallen in love with the puppy! I brought him to
my house only for a bath before meeting his new
mommy. Then I brought him to meet my mom. She
was upset briefly and then, said that she would
give him a try. The next day she said she loved
him but was still nervous about being able to
care for him. I am going over every day and
checking on them and giving Mcgee his meds. He
is amazing - he has never "pee pee'ed"
in the house! We bring him outside and within a
minute (and I am not exaggerating) he squats and
pees ! My poodles STILL don't do that and one of
them is two years old. He had two "#2" accidents
in the house - but this morning he did it
outside for mom. He was eating a little better
each day and today he ate really well. He was
crying at night and last night he slept all
night. He now has acclimated. He follows mom
around with his tail wagging!!!! The best part
is the change in her - all of my siblings tell
me that the difference in her is amazing! She is
happy - she admits it, and she actually told me
that since McGee arrived she has not missed my
dad!!!! The name McGee - is from my dad - he
called everyone Mcgee! His doctor appointment is Tuesday - I
will let you know how he does! We are all very
happy! Mcgee obviously loves my mom, when I take
him to give him meds, his eyes stay glued on
her - waiting for me to return him, and mom
loves it! This is exactly what she needed -
someone to love and take care of. She told me
that she had no one to talk to all day and now
she talks to Mcgee! I can't thank you enough
for the time that you spent with us, allowing us
to pick exactly the right puppy for my mom! I
will send you pictures and stay in touch ,
Thank-you again, We love him and we will take
excellent care of your Nicholas!!!!!
Joan Santa Croce
Merry Christmas from the Henry Girls---all four
of them. |
Thanks to Larissa, Robert and Nava. |
The following is a note about Mack. "Attached
is a Christmas picture of Zach and Mack (Cloud),
I can't believe it is our first Christmas with
Mack. All is going well with him; he is a great
dog and a real sweetheart. Sincerely, Julie
The following is a note about Wagner. "Hi
Candy and everyone else at Willow Spring
Kennels. Merry Christmas! Last January we
brought home "Nathan" -- we later named him
Wagner. It was a Christmas gift for my three
children, and by far the best gift they have
ever received. Thank you for taking my calls
those first few months as a new and first time
puppy owner -- you were very patient. Wagner
has fit in great with our family and we have
enjoyed him. He loves walks -- 2 miles a day!
-- and sitting on the kids laps while they watch
TV or work on the computer. Thanks again for
everything and for a beautiful cavalier. I
referred one family from Chatham to you -- and
they purchased a puppy. And they referred
another family to you. Hope you all have a
wonderful holiday!"
This puppy is Coco. Coco lives in New York with
her owner Todd.
Here's a new picture of Churchill. His new
owners say "He is now 7lbs. He is eating well
and is simply the joy of our lives. He's had
very few toilet accidents.
This little boy has stolen our hearts! We are so
grateful to have him." |